About Islamic Tourism Centre
Established in 2009, Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) is an award-winning agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC), championing Islamic Tourism and the development of this segment for Malaysia.
Through standards development, Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality (MFTH) products and services recognition, industry research, thought-leadership conferences, and training programmes, ITC has led industry players in strengthening their position to meet the needs of the Muslim tourist market.
Today, Malaysia is a top favourite Muslim-friendly destination, and ITC is ready to guide global tourism industry players and destinations on this journey by sharing Malaysia’s experience with the world.
Strategic Opportunities
Industry Development
Information Exchange
Standard and Recognition
Training and Capacity Building
Advisory Services
Recognition Programmes
Muslim-Friendly Tourism And Hospitality Assurance And Recognition (MFAR)
MFAR is a programme that recognises Muslim-friendly tourism products based on globally accepted standards developed by Malaysia. The programme supports businesses that provide added value to Muslim tourists through products and services that meet their faith-based needs. MFAR gives industry players the competitive advantage and marketability to tap into the growing Muslim tourist market.
Applications for MFAR are open to businesses operating within the following 10 areas:
Tourist Accommodation
Spa And Wellness
Medical Facilities
Travel Agencies
Transportation Hubs
Shopping Malls
Amusement Parks
Rest Service Areas
Tourism Products
Convention And Trade Centres

Sharpening Trust And Branding
Muslim-Friendly Tourist Guide (MFTG)
The MFTG recognition is awarded to tourist guides already accredited by a governing body who have completed a Muslim-friendly tourist guide course. This initiative sharpens the guiding knowledge and services delivered to Muslim tourists, taking into account their specific faith-based needs and demands. The MFTG badge is a mark of an experienced and knowledgeable guide who knows how to prioritise a Muslim tourist’s safety, comfort and needs.
Knowledge And Skills
to Grow Further
Market-Leading Insights
for Sustainable Success
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