Masjid Sultan Iskandar, Bandar Baru Dato’ Onn
9 Sep, 2023
@05:30 AM
@02:00 PM

Masjid Sultan Iskandar is a mosque located at Bandar Dato’ Onn, Johor Bahru, Johor. The mosque wasnamed after the fourth Sultan of Johor, Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail. The mosque was built by Johor Land Berhad, and currently being managed by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad, both subsidiaries of Johor Corporation (JCorp). It was initially known as Masjid Bandar Dato’ Onn.
Construction began from 2012 and was completed in 2015. The mosque was officially opened in 8April 2016 by the Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ismail Idris ibni Sultan Ibrahim in conjunction of his late grandfather Sultan Iskandar’s birthday ( A total of RM7.2 million or 25 percent more than the cost of the construction was donated by companies within the Johor Corporation G and the public while others are produced by Johor Land Berhad as the developer of Bandar Dato ‘Onn. It is capable of accommodating 4,600 worshippers at any one time.
The design and structure of the mosque is inspired by the design of the Ottoman Empire Mosque. It isequipped with a large dome in the middle and flanked by five small domes. The philosophy of the main dome is to symbolize Islam as Ad-Din, the five semi domes are symbolic of the five pillars of Islam. While the four towers symbolize the four attributes of the Prophet (Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, Fathonah). For the chrome colour edges which are shiny white symbolizes Muslims are all the same when they are in God’s house.
Activities will be held:
1) Intercultural Program
2) Forum and Spiritual Talk
3) Mosque Tour Simulation
Tel: 0136874436 (Syazwan)
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